Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Comparison of eastern philosphies confucianism and daoism Essay

Comparison of eastern philosphies confucianism and daoism - Essay Example This is achieved through a series of rituals. The key concepts in the philosophy are five, Ren or humanism which is the basic attribute followed by justice, wisdom, faithfulness and ritual action. Rituals are required for developing a just society and in turn contribute to being a humane person. The philosophy accepts natural proclivities of humans and thus a need is felt to cultivate appropriate practices through rituals. There is also due consideration for physical conduct which is affected by emotions, passions and desires for cultivating the mind. Thus there is a need for reflection and study to nurture the philosophical contemplation required of the follower of Confucianism which in turn develops public spirit. Dao is the road, the path, the way. Daoism is a holistic view of life which does not foster practices to influence forces of reality and reorder life, which is seen in Confucianism. Daoism deems that ritualistic practice disturbs the natural flow. Daoism instead emphasizes on practice and developing experience. Change is reality and there is thus no need to reorder it. However this does not entail a philosophy of nothingness. It only implies that there should be no disturbance of nature by humans and natural actions should allow transformation through effortless activation.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wil Haygood Paper Essay Example for Free

Wil Haygood Paper Essay On September 12th, I attended the talk with Wil Haygood discussing his new movie â€Å"The Butler. † It seemed that the entire community came together to see Wil Haygood speak that night. The entire gym was filled to see Wil, and you could tell that he was very appreciative. I am really glad that I chose to go to the talk rather than the movie because I got to hear about Wil Haygood’s life and how the movie really came to be. I can always go and see the movie whenever I want, but this was a great chance to see what Wil has to say and listen to him talk about his inspiration behind the book and movie. ODU’s manager of communications, Thomas Brockman, introduced everyone that was a part of the event. First, Don Davis was introduced because she made the Butler book possible. Davis was the publisher of â€Å"The Butler. † Next, Steven Reece came to the podium. He had a 22 year career at the Washington Post and edited Haygood’s original article. These two people were extremely significant in the success that â€Å"The Butler† has had. Finally, the author, Wil Haygood, was introduced. I was excited to hear about his journey and his perseverance in making all of this possible. Wil Haygood was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, where his career as a writer began. He attended Ohio Dominican University as a high school student and received his bachelor degree from Miami University of Ohio. It is inspiring that someone as successful as him has roots from ODU. In high school he was accepted into the Upward Bound Program and it remained the greatest moral movement in United States history. It is great that Haygood was getting involved at such a young age and trying to make a difference in our country. Haygood had become successful during his career as a journalist. His success as a writer had only developed more when he received a call from a lady that told him about Eugene Allen. This call is what started it all. He relentlessly pursued to get a hold of Allen and had to make 57 different phone calls until he finally reached him. Haygood was not going to let anything get in his way of getting to talk to Eugene. Eugene worked as a White House butler for 34 years and never missed a day of work. He served as a butler from Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan. Allen agreed for Haygood to come over and speak with him. However, before he said anything Mrs. Allen had to make sure Haygood was a good person. Finally she gave Eugene permission to show Haygood the basement. The basement was dedicated to the presidents and his life. All of this gave Haygood critical information to be able to write about Eugene. I always commend people that go out and find these stories because without Haygood we would not know about Eugene Allen. Many obstacles got in Haygood’s way where he could have called it quits, but he kept moving forward. Once the book came out it was an instant New York Times Best Seller. It is considered one of the best political books of the year. I have not had a chance to read the book yet, but after hearing from Wil Haygood it is definitely a book that I want to read. History can tell us so much about our country and this book can tell us more in depth about the history that Eugene Allen was a part of. I am glad I attended this event because it showed me that if one really wants something, then he should go after it. Failure is always going to happen, but if one never goes out and tries, he would never know if he could actually achieve his goal. Haygood made a name for himself by putting himself out there and making a difference. I want to be an individual that makes a difference and Haygood has given me inspiration to go after what I want.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Refuting the Claims in Adam Kolasinski’s The Secular Case Against Gay M

Refuting the Claims in Adam Kolasinski’s The Secular Case Against Gay Marriage Gay marriage has been one of the most controversial topics of the twenty first century and the topic has mainly circulated around such issues as procreation and marriage benefits. Although Adam Kolasinski, the author of â€Å"The Secular Case Against Gay Marriage,† never refers to homosexual behavior as â€Å"wrong,† he argues several key points, including financial issues, to conclude why homosexual marriage is not allowed in the majority of states. The author, with a degree in financial economics, will first of all already have a biased attitude towards any subject that promotes a better fiscal policy. Second of all, financial economics represents only one factor in the debate of gay marriage. This minute detail diminishes the author’s argument significantly since he is probably not extensively knowledgeable in the subject, even if some of his positions are legitimate. Kolasinski’s assertions and assumptions contain falsehoods and flaws, specifically con cerning the overemphasis on procreation and the notion of sexual love. Kolasinski begins his debate with the notion that â€Å"marriage is not a universal right.† He states that a majority of states ban many people from marrying one another – including first cousins, blood relatives, and people with venereal diseases. Although these statements hold true, the United States did not allow other â€Å"traditional† or â€Å"normal† marriages. For example, in the 1960’s, the government would not allow interracial marriages. This exemplifies how the government and the majority can sometimes be tyrannical or even wrong. Obviously, two heterosexuals of different races can marry without any government opposition. Although marriage... ... the government and a majority of states ban homosexual marriage. Although many of these claims tend to be opinions and even falsehoods, the author contributes a strong argument. Many court cases have been issued due to the huge controversy of homosexual marriage. In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the court concluded â€Å"that the Constitution places limits on a State’s right to interfere with a person’s most basic decisions about family and parenthood†(Moss 106). This contradicts with all the rules and regulations that the states place upon marriage and more specifically gay marriage. There have been several cases on the violations of homosexual rights, but laws have not currently been changed so that they have equality in all aspects. In the future, society will hopefully mirror the solution to the 1960’s prohibited interracial marriage and permit homosexual marriage.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sleep Deprivation Among College Students Essay -- Sleep Deprivation Es

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sleeping is something that is an essential part of human nature and is a must in order for one to be a functional human being. Sleep is an idea that is accompanied by many wives’ tales, including the ideas that one needs seven to eight hours of sleep each night and alcohol helps one fall asleep and sleep more soundly. One myth about sleep is that during sleeping, one is in a state of nothingness. In truth, however, it has been discovered that during sleep the brain is active, variations in heartbeat and breathing occur, and the eyes and ears are active throughout the time of sleep. These activities during a person’s sleep are important because they help that person be more aware, awake, and alert during consciousness. If all of these important activities occur during sleep, why is it that people are so willing to short themselves of this vital activity? Although much about sleep still remains a mystery, research and experiments continue to show how i mportant sleep is to each and every person. Throughout this paper, I will discuss sleep and the effects that it has on performance and health, especially in college students. A college student’s sleeping pattern is a reliable indicator to their level of performance in the classroom and other school-affiliated activities, as a lack of sleep leads to decreased performance. Sleep is directly related the level of performance and health in an individual; the more rested a person is, the better that person will perform and feel (Dryer, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One question that people seem to be unsure about is exactly how much sleep is enough sleep? In Inside Insomnia: How to Sleep Better Tonight, Dryer tells that the ideal amount of sleep may vary from person to person. She states that while seven to eight hours may seem to be the accepted average, there are no fixed norms. Some people sleep two hours nightly, while others sleep nine to twelve hours nightly without complaint. She goes on to say that as long as the hours of sleep that one has gotten leaves them feeling energetic and alert the next morning, then that person has met their sleep needs. Sleeping in excess does not always allow the person to feel more awake the next morning. Dryer believes that trying to sleep longer than needed will lead to hours of tossing and turning, and not necessarily feeling more awake the next morning. Basically, the ideal amount of sle... ...nied by misperceptions, illusions, and even hallucinations due to the lack of needed sleep (Zammit). Although rare and extreme, cases such as these have been documented. Sleep deprivation can also be detrimental when associated with emotional trauma. When deprived of sleep during a time of emotional distress, people are at a greater risk of becoming psychotic and needing electroshock therapy. While many of these effects are rare, they all have been known to exist. Research shows that sleep is a necessity in order for someone to be able to perform at their maximum potential. College students are no exception to the rule and are often at a greater risk to suffer from conditions that accompany sleep deprivation. Regardless of the time period, a college student must be well rested in order to perform at his or her best in terms of physical performance, memorization capabilities, and test-taking abilities. Also, without adequate sleep, the person will be more susceptible to illnesses, both mental and physical. In conclusion, I believe that sleep deprivation among college students is extremely common and has a direct effect on how well that student will perform or feel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Essay

In the short story, â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,† Ambrose Bierce uses several descriptions and specific conversations between the round and flat characters to develop the main character traits throughout the story. Bierce methods do not give a word for word account of the character’s individual traits, because he wanted the provided descriptions to allow the reader to draw their own conclusions about each character’s purpose. His technique has produced one round character and a few flat characters that ultimately help develop the main character traits. The main character in the story is a man by the name of Peyton Farquhar. He is the round character because the whole story revolves around what is happening to this man. Most round characters can be classified as dynamic because they can recognize or can adjust to certain circumstances. In this case, Peyton, the main character is introduced to the reader after the situation had already occurred. The writer started off with Peyton about to be hung by the North for trying to stop them, because some Northern Scout dressed as a Confederate Soldier baited him into it. This initial detail set the story up for a flashback to reveal his character developing into courageous man who was willing to do whatever it took to help the confederate, even if he was not supposed to. The other characters presented in this story were the Sergeant who hung him, the Northern Scout, and finally his wife. Each of these characters can be classified as a flat character because they are not dynamic in any way, because each one only provides one role throughout the whole story. His wife is probably the most important flat character because she is the reason he reflects on his past and comes to a final realization before he dies. The thought of her, which the reader doesn’t know is a thought until the very end, allowed Peyton to also develop his character into something he wished he could have been. The sergeant in the beginning merely plays the role of a typical soldier and takes everything he does very seriously. He could be classified as a stock character because his role is a common stereotype of a soldier. Finally, the last character described in the story was the messenger. His role was simply to act as the transitioning character that led the main character t o end up dead. Overall, Bierce’s use of different characters to help develop the main character played a huge role in the development of the story. It helped the reader believe that Peyton really did escaped and become the man he wanted to be for his wife, even though he never really escaped. The different dimensions drew the readers attention and essentially told us that Peyton finally came to a self realization once it was too late.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prentice Hall Literature Poetry Collection 7 and Dust of Snow Poem Essay Example

Prentice Hall Literature Poetry Collection 7 and Dust of Snow Poem Essay Example Prentice Hall Literature Poetry Collection 7 and Dust of Snow Poem Paper Prentice Hall Literature Poetry Collection 7 and Dust of Snow Poem Paper Essay Topic: Poetry Dust of Snow- Poem Type Lyric No Thank You- Poem Type Lyric Parade- Poem Type Lyric Wind and Water and Stone- Poem Type Lyric Lyric poem a highly musical verse that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker Dust of Snow- Basic Idea to describe winter snow falling on a persons head and changing their day for the better No Thank You- Basic Idea a person being offered a kitten, but wont take it because every of the many kittens she has taken in have grown in to cats that cause her problems, but eventually gives in and takes the kitten Parade- Basic Idea Describing a circus parade in town and everything going on around it Wind and Water and Stone- Basic Idea Comparing, contrasting, and telling how wind, water, and stone effect one another. Sound Elements Repetition, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, and Rhyme (ROAR) Repitition The use, more than once of any element of language Example of Repetition ONE day ONE night Onomatopoeia the use of words that imitate sounds Example of Onomatopoeia Boing! Alliteration repetition of initial consonant sounds Example of Alliteration Super Salad Rhyme the repetition of sound at the ends of words found at the ends of lines Example of Rhyme She talked, He walked Figurative Language Simile, Metaphor, Personification and Hyperbole (SMurPH) Simile a figure of speech that uses like or as to make a direct comparison between to unlike ideas Example of Simile Its like a lamb to the slaughter Metaphor a figure of speech in which something is described as if it were something else Example of Metaphor Its a lamb to the slaughter Personification a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics Example of Personification The bear danced around his cave Hyperbole exaggeration for the purpose of a literary effect Example of Hyperbole Im so hungry I could eat a horse!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Role Of Anglo Saxon Women

such as seamster, spinster and Webster, nowadays a surname - all connected with cloth-making. From wills we know that a wealthy Anglo-Saxon household contained a variety of soft furnishings: bed-clothes, table-linen, seat-covers, wall-hangings, etc., so women would have had plenty of work in this field. In the Anglo-Saxon household, food was prepared by male slaves alone or men and women equally, but preparing and serving drink was women's job. This is confirmed by surnames such as Brewster, Malster and Tapster, and by heroic poetry, where the lady is always the one to serve the drinks. Female cup-bearers (birele) are also mentioned in Æthelbert's laws: "14. If a man lie with an eorl's birele, let him make bot with twelve shillings. ... 16. If a man lie with a ceorl's bir... Free Essays on Role Of Anglo Saxon Women Free Essays on Role Of Anglo Saxon Women The role of women. Anglo-Saxon society was decidedly patriarchal, but women were in some ways better off than they would be in later times. A woman could own property in her own right. She could and did rule a kingdom if her husband died. She could not be married without her consent and any personal goods, including lands, that she brought into a marriage remained her own property. If she were injured or abused in her marriage her relatives were expected to look after her interests.What did an Anglo-Saxon woman do all day? This would naturally depend greatly on her social class as well as regional and period differences. The word wif 'wife, woman' might be connected with weaving, which implies that cloth-making was associated with women. In wills, the male line was called wnedhealf 'weapon half' or sperehealf 'spear half' and the female line was wifhealf 'wife half' or spinelhealf 'spindle half'. It would then seem that men were traditionally warriors or hunters, while women were clo th-makers and embroiderers.This view is also supported by other literature from that time and by grave findings. Furthermore, the feminine occupational suffix -stere was used to form words such as seamster, spinster and Webster, nowadays a surname - all connected with cloth-making. From wills we know that a wealthy Anglo-Saxon household contained a variety of soft furnishings: bed-clothes, table-linen, seat-covers, wall-hangings, etc., so women would have had plenty of work in this field. In the Anglo-Saxon household, food was prepared by male slaves alone or men and women equally, but preparing and serving drink was women's job. This is confirmed by surnames such as Brewster, Malster and Tapster, and by heroic poetry, where the lady is always the one to serve the drinks. Female cup-bearers (birele) are also mentioned in Æthelbert's laws: "14. If a man lie with an eorl's birele, let him make bot with twelve shillings. ... 16. If a man lie with a ceorl's bir...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Intellectual Development ofYoung Children essays

Intellectual Development ofYoung Children essays In two separate issues of Time magazine, the intellectual development of infants and preschoolers was analyzed with contrasting viewpoints regarding the development of their brains and the views regarding how best to encourage the cognitive abilities of these young children. In the earlier issue, dated February 3, 1997, the special report consisting of two articles titled Fertile Minds and The Day-Care Dilemma the theories of Jean Piagets cognitive-development are supported. In the latter issue, dated October 19, 1998, the special report titled How to Make a Better Student focused on refuting the theories supported in the earlier issue of this magazine. Understanding the influence of Piagets and others views on intellectual development of young children on the contrasting views of this topic and how it reflects contemporary opinions on how young children should be raised is the focus of this paper. Hopefully, these contrasting articles will provide a more holistic understanding o f Piagetian theory and its application to real-life situations. I. Children's Intellectual Development: Preoperations By the age of 3 and 4 years old, children have attained what Piaget called functions or "preoperations" that enable young children to perform a number of feats far beyond the capabilities of infants (Piaget, 1950). Infants concentrate on constructing a world of permanent objects. Once constructed, these objects will be known to exist even when they are no longer present to the infant's senses. Preschool children, in contrast, are constructing a world of qualities and properties that different objects share in common. They are beginning to identify and name colors, shapes, textures, density, and so on. At this stage, children are beginning to understand same and different as these terms refer to properties. At the same time, it is necessary to recogniz...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Health Care Roles in Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Health Care Roles in Communication - Essay Example It is thus important that all the key players in health care: patients, care givers, friends and family, and medical assistants practice proper communication if at all their needs and desires are to be satisfied. The best way to study communication in health care is through case studies, where each component and their roles are analyzed. The scenarios also give information about the barriers in communication and implications, which enable one to come up with recommendations on what should be done to create effective communication. For this specific study, the scenario selected is that of Lena, where the major components in health communication will be identified, all the parties and their roles and perspectives in communication studied, the implications determined and a resolution for effective communication affecting all the players generated. Lena is a student who has stayed in America for about 10 years. She has however been raised in the cultural ways of Southeast Asia, her native land. She finds herself in the emergency room of a hospital one day after fainting in class-too much disappointment and vilification of an accompanying friend; Susie, who we also understand to have brought her to the hospital. She believes she does not need the services of a hospital and is prepared to leave but is restrained by a medical assistant informed by Susie. The impatient medical assistant is interrupted by a doctor who then tries to explain to Lucy the condition and gather more information from her. Lucy’s lack of cooperation makes the doctor to grow impatient and leave the room. From this scenario, it is possible to describe the major components of health care; we first have the patient Lucy who is in the hospital due to fainting suddenly while at school; there is the health care giver, in this case a doctor; a medical assistant who happens to be nearby the patient; and lastly Susie, a friend accompanying Lucy to the hospital. This scenario

Friday, October 18, 2019

Paratroopers in World War II Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Paratroopers in World War II - Research Paper Example Since most forces do not expect to be attacked from behind, paratroopers also had a distinct advantage which they could exploit to destabilize the enemy in advance of a larger ground-based force. Paratroopers of all services of the United States Military begin training at the U.S. Army Airborne School located in Ft. Benning, Georgia. For three weeks soldiers are trained by the "Black Hats" of the 1-507th Parachute Infantry Regiment. The first week being ground week, where soldiers practice landings and in aircraft procedures, the second week being tower week, where soldiers practice exiting an aircraft out of mock towers and practice landing off the swing lander trainer. The third week is Jump Week, where soldiers must complete five successful airborne operations. Typically, the first two jumps are conducted wearing only the parachute, reserve chute and harness (referred to as "Hollywood" jumps), followed by two jumps wearing full combat gear and, finally, a night jump. After the suc cessful completion of five jumps out of a high performance aircraft, soldiers are awarded basic parachutist wings. This badge allows the now 'paratrooper' to be assigned to an airborne position within an airborne unit. (Cited from, wiki Pedia) The largest elite unit among America’s troops was the airborne division. ... oordinated with the paratrooper assault, known as a "vertical envelopment." But the war ended before Mitchell's innovative plans could be experimented. (Patrick K. O’Donnell, America’s elite troops in World War II-the Airborne) After the war, the concept of vertical envelopment was neglected in the United States. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, pushed ahead with large-scale airborne exercises in the 1930s. Germany took notice of the Soviet exercises and began building its own airborne program, made up of paratroopers and infantry that would ride in gliders. The Fallschirmjager, the German paratroopers of World War 2, made the first airborne infantry assaults in history. When Germany invaded Western Europe in 1940, the German paratroopers parachuted and landed with gliders and captured strategic positions. A year later, in May 1941, in their greatest operation, they invaded and conquered the big island Crete in the Mediterranean solely by airborne troops. Their loss es were such that Hitler decided never to do another large airborne operation, so the German paratroopers served the rest of the war as elite infantry. With the outbreak of war, the Germans successfully used paratroopers to seize critical military objectives in Norway, the Netherlands, and Belgium, where a small band of paratroopers and glider men seized Fort Eben Emael, which many had considered unconquerable. Kurt Student, a fighter pilot and squadron leader in World War I, was excited by the military potential of paratroopers, but the establishment of the German paratroopers force was delayed until the German military buildup began in 1935. In the meantime Student became an expert with gliders, the other element of his future airborne force (after World War 2 the helicopter replaced the glider as

Marketing Communications Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Marketing Communications Plan - Essay Example According to Sheth & Kellstadt (1992), a normative model of service quality improvement is built on the concept of continuous improvement. The company that I have been working in has been using this kind of approach to address its issues of quality improvement. This is because the key objective of the company is to achieve sustained improvements in its services delivery. Therefore, throughout my career, I have had an opportunity to experience a situation in which this model was applied. Moreover, I have been able to experience some of the benefits of this kind of a model when used to improve service quality as well as some of its shortfalls. This benefits and shorts could form a very good basis for my evaluation in this paper.  Normative model of service improvement is divided into stages. The stages include management commitment, employee commitment and participation, employee education and training, communication, assessment and modification, outcomes and targets, and integration (Hernon & Whitman, 2001). These stages are interconnected in an intertwined manner. This means that a stage does not necessarily resAfter intensive market analysis, it has been found that following locations are the most lucrative prospect for Premier Inn:†¢ Manchester (Piccadilly)†¢ Birmingham (City Centre-New Street)†¢ Edinburg (Central)†¢ London (Kensington)These four locations are among the top tourist spots in the country currently and generate significant revenue from tourism activities.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Jean Watson's Theory of Caring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jean Watson's Theory of Caring - Essay Example In the modern days, caring science is a field of study that has many disciplines of study that includes nursing, feminist study, ecology, philosophy, arts and other humanities. Application of Jean Watson’s theory The Jean Watson’s theory has been applied in several ways as the literature in the theory suggests. The theory has been used in the creation of a humanistic system. These are values which develop at an early stage of the nurse. They can also develop as a result of sharing with parents and the people around him or her. Life experiences and personal exposure to the real world can also create these humanistic values in the life of a nurse. These experiences  have of great  necessity  in nurse’s maturation, this in return leads to the development of altruistic nature of the nurse towards other people (Watson, 1999). Hope and faith of nurses  are some of the traits that have been  greatly improved by the creation of this theory. Faith and hope are v ery essential character traits that every nurse should possess. The theory describes it to be of great importance for both carative as well as curative stages. When the doctor has no more to offer to the patient the nurse should use the faith and hope aspects to show a sense of recovery to the patient (Watson, 1999). The theory has also enabled the nurse to cultivate sensitivity to oneself and to his or her patients. If a nurse is willing to hold a genuine conversation between himself and the patient he needs to be in the same emotional state as the one with the patient. As the nurse becomes more sensitive he or she also develops an authentic value. This encourages the nurse in self growth as well as self-actualization to both the nurse and other people whom he or she interacts with. When a personal relationship  has been   developed, there is a higher level of functioning and also the promotion of health (Watson, 1999). The theory has been used in the creation of a helpful and trustful relationship. This can be described as the strongest tool in a relationship because it demonstrates caring for each other. The major characteristics that the nurse holds in order to develop this kind of relationship are warmth which is demonstrated towards the patient, empathy which shows that the nurse Cleary understands what the patient is going through and congruence. The nurse employs the use of both verbal and nonverbal methods to make the communication effective (Watson, 1999). The theory has also been used to improve the use scientific process as one way of solving problems. The design is very necessary in a nursing career as it is the most important decision making tool. The scientific method of solving problems is the only available method that enables prediction and control. The process also offers a room for self-correction. The theory has preferably described the caring science as one should not always be objective and neutral. The theory also promotes the learn ing and teaching role. This is vital because the nurse needs to focus on learning from others as well as teaching them (Watson, 1999). Framework of Jean Watson’s theory The theory describes the nursing process to be carried out in a number of steps. This will provide a platform for decision making in the workplace. The use of the theory will greatly help in solving problems in the structure. The first step in decision making is achieved by assessing the issue at hand. This can also be termed as the problem. The assessment of the problem is

Executive summary of the Ethical Tabao company Essay

Executive summary of the Ethical Tabao company - Essay Example However, Taobao urges the public to behave responsibly to maximize the wealth of the shareholders. Taobao plans to raise its guarantee and technical charge with an objective of majoring in the B2C model to improve its quality and counterfeit control. The planned raise in fees would decrease the number of sellers operating on Taobao and consequently improve the company’s regulation. The small and medium entrepreneurs launched protests at the Taobao headquarters are opposing the planned policy since it forces them to pay same operation costs as the big sellers. Although the policy might be beneficial to the company, the protests have largely dented the image of Taobao. The small and medium entrepreneurs will face difficulties in continuing with the business and possibly fallout. The decrease in small and medium entrepreneurs would promote improvements in product quality and guarantee customer satisfaction in comfort and reliability. However, this adjustment might decrease customer satisfaction on price and product categories. Because of the mixed interests, the government has come up with regulations governing the online shopping agencies like Taobao. There are self-regulations by a business that allow companies to adopt policies befitting their competitive advantage. In relation to these regulations, the sellers should obey Taobao regulations. Additionally, there exist consumers’ regulations that protect consumers in Taobao. These regulations protect the consumers against counterfeit goods, poor quality goods, and untimely delivery of Taobao

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Jean Watson's Theory of Caring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jean Watson's Theory of Caring - Essay Example In the modern days, caring science is a field of study that has many disciplines of study that includes nursing, feminist study, ecology, philosophy, arts and other humanities. Application of Jean Watson’s theory The Jean Watson’s theory has been applied in several ways as the literature in the theory suggests. The theory has been used in the creation of a humanistic system. These are values which develop at an early stage of the nurse. They can also develop as a result of sharing with parents and the people around him or her. Life experiences and personal exposure to the real world can also create these humanistic values in the life of a nurse. These experiences  have of great  necessity  in nurse’s maturation, this in return leads to the development of altruistic nature of the nurse towards other people (Watson, 1999). Hope and faith of nurses  are some of the traits that have been  greatly improved by the creation of this theory. Faith and hope are v ery essential character traits that every nurse should possess. The theory describes it to be of great importance for both carative as well as curative stages. When the doctor has no more to offer to the patient the nurse should use the faith and hope aspects to show a sense of recovery to the patient (Watson, 1999). The theory has also enabled the nurse to cultivate sensitivity to oneself and to his or her patients. If a nurse is willing to hold a genuine conversation between himself and the patient he needs to be in the same emotional state as the one with the patient. As the nurse becomes more sensitive he or she also develops an authentic value. This encourages the nurse in self growth as well as self-actualization to both the nurse and other people whom he or she interacts with. When a personal relationship  has been   developed, there is a higher level of functioning and also the promotion of health (Watson, 1999). The theory has been used in the creation of a helpful and trustful relationship. This can be described as the strongest tool in a relationship because it demonstrates caring for each other. The major characteristics that the nurse holds in order to develop this kind of relationship are warmth which is demonstrated towards the patient, empathy which shows that the nurse Cleary understands what the patient is going through and congruence. The nurse employs the use of both verbal and nonverbal methods to make the communication effective (Watson, 1999). The theory has also been used to improve the use scientific process as one way of solving problems. The design is very necessary in a nursing career as it is the most important decision making tool. The scientific method of solving problems is the only available method that enables prediction and control. The process also offers a room for self-correction. The theory has preferably described the caring science as one should not always be objective and neutral. The theory also promotes the learn ing and teaching role. This is vital because the nurse needs to focus on learning from others as well as teaching them (Watson, 1999). Framework of Jean Watson’s theory The theory describes the nursing process to be carried out in a number of steps. This will provide a platform for decision making in the workplace. The use of the theory will greatly help in solving problems in the structure. The first step in decision making is achieved by assessing the issue at hand. This can also be termed as the problem. The assessment of the problem is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Creative Clusters & Gentrification with focus on the Hoxton area in Essay

Creative Clusters & Gentrification with focus on the Hoxton area in London - Essay Example Generally a large proportion of the urban populations are migratory. Many a times, people carry their native culture even after migration from the native place. So a city reflects spectrum of cultures. The interesting part is that people stick to their own individual values, ethos, beliefs and habits in the same city. After staying as neighbours for years after years people exchange their values and cultures. So an overlap or mixed cultures are observed on most of the big cities in the world. That is why these are known as cosmopolitan cities. The different types of cultures from different parts of the cities get blended and come out as a single or uniform culture of the city. Commonly it is observed that, in every city a number of clusters are there. These are basically geographical clusters with professional and other similar interest. If lessons can be taken from history it can be found that, initially social clusters were formed because of division of labour. It makes business sense and help people grow professionally if they are close to the profession cluster. It provides the required framework for information generation, frequent experimentation for the development of skill and product. Considering art and culture as the binding and common factor there are many cultural clusters or hubs present in the world. The globally famous cultural cities are London, Shanghai, New York, Sydney, Tokyo, Istanbul, Johannesburg and many more. According to the report of World cities cultural forum, 22 leading cultural cities are there in the world. The forum periodically organizes World Cities Culture Summit to increase the connectivity among the cities and upgrade them according to the global standard. New cities are also invited to join the league Every professional groups and likeminded people have similar mind-set. So it becomes easier for them to exchange their views and thoughts. Russo (1985) mentioned that according to a number of studies,

Christian virtues Essay Example for Free

Christian virtues Essay No general code of conduct covers both of them as if the kingdom of God had dawned before its time, Left-wing political idealists and just war theorists fail to distinguish these two hands of God and try to reconcile the tension between them, often at the expense of the state. They try to impose Christian virtues such as love and mercy upon the state but fail to recognize the depravity of our present lot and the need for the state to restrain its evils. Communism might have found its place in the early church with Ð ° people who were prepared to share all their possessions (Acts 2.43, 44; 4. 32), but this economic system does not work in the unregenerate world of laziness and selfishness. Pacifism might have served the church and its members well as Ð ° witness to divine grace and mercy, but the state would abdicate its responsibilities before God if it did not bear the sword and protect its citizens from criminals. It was Thomas Aquinas, not Augustine, who developed just war theory along the natural law tradition. Augustine did not discriminate clear, universal principles in order to declare Ð ° society or its wars just. He saw Ð ° distinct dichotomy between private behavior, which might refuse the use of the sword in self-defense, and the public right of the state to defend itself for the good of the community. Machiavelli agreed and spoke of two moralities subsisting side-by-side, the morality of the individual soul and the morality of the city. Some actions, while not virtuous from Ð ° private or Christian views, are still absolutely necessary if one wishes to defend the Republic. Protestant theologians tend to agree with this assessment. Emil Brunner did not believe that we could impose Ð ° version of absolute justice on Ð ° world darkened with sin. In the old Testament God did not impose Ð ° ban on divorce ‘because of the hardness of their hearts’, even if ‘it was not this way from the beginning’ and absolute justice would demand otherwise. Relative justice is all we can hope for in the realm of society and Ð ° world fallen from its original image. (Amit 2003 127) Reinhold Niebuhr rejected the possibility of doing well without causing some evil. In the real world, one must become tainted with its evil and fight force with force. So useful have terrorist attacks been to advancing the neocon agenda that hawks are intent on provoking more. As William Arkin wrote in the Los Angeles Times, Rumsfelds Defense Science Board recommended in 2002 the creation of Ð ° super secret â€Å"Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG) to bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception. Among other things, this body would launch secret operations aimed at `stimulating reactions among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction—that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to `quick-response attacks by U. S. forces. Such tactics would `signal to harboring states that their sovereignty will be at risk. † (Amy 2004 38) Another argument can be made that Islamist extremism, however it arose, can be combated more effectively if Ð ° larger number of citizens have Ð ° stake in non-extremist, increasingly democratized political systems. More freedom should be created to foster enhanced political participation and human investment in Middle Eastern states. Ð  greater degree of participation may occur without the implementation of other requisites of democracy. If our definition of freedom is free elections, Ð ° free press, and labor unions—it is absent in Saudi Arabia. Supporters of the Kingdom point to other methods of creating balance and justice in society, whereby the royal family protects the citizens and defends their values in exchange for their loyalty. While this may smack of feudalism to the reader, such bargains were fulfilled in Islamic history through the Ottoman concept of the circle of equity; self-governance of religious minorities; and the recognition of local, tribal, and familial authorities. Todays Middle Eastern rulers are facing similar questions about the ways that democratization will alter earlier understandings of leadership or threaten its longevity. â€Å" (Sherifa 2005 28)

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Benefits Of Strategic Planning Business Essay

The Benefits Of Strategic Planning Business Essay Formal strategic planning is affected by the macro-environment and this is the highest level layer in the framework, this consists of a wide range of environmental factors that impact to some extent on almost all organisations. The PESTEL framework can be used to identify how future trends in the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environment and Legal environments might affect an organisation. Pestel analysis provides the broad date from which key drivers to change can be identified. By using these key drivers organisations can envision scenarios for the future. Scenarios can be used to help organisations decide if change needs to happen depending on the different ways in which the business environment may change. It is important for managers to analyse these factors in the present and how they are likely to change in the future. By analysing these, managers will be able to draw out implications for the organisation. Pestel factors are sometimes linked together i.e. technological factors can impact on economic factors. It is necessary to identify the key drivers of change these are environmental factors that are likely to have a high impact on the success or failure of the strategy. Key drivers vary by industry i.e. Primark may be concerned by social changes that can change customer tastes and behaviours. The critical issues are the implications that are drawn from the understanding in guiding strategic decisions and choices. The next stage is drawn from the environmental analysis specifically strategic opportunities and threats for the organisation. Having the ability to identify these opportunities and threats is extremely valuable when thinking about strategic choices for the future. Opportunities and threats form one half of the SWOT analysis that shapes a companys formulation. The use of SWOT analysis can help summarise the key issues from the business environment and the strategic capability of an organisation that are most likely to impact on strategy development. Once the key issues have been identified an organisation can then assess if it is capable to deal with the changes taking place within the business environment. If the strategic capability is to be understood the business must remember that it is not absolute but relative to its competitors. SWOT analysis is only useful if it is comparative, that is it examines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis should help focus discussion on the future choices and to what extent an organisation is capable of supporting these strategies. SWOT analysis should not be used a substitute for more in-depth analysis. In responding strategically to the environment the goal is to reduce identified threats and take advantages of the best opportunities. Peter Drucker (1954), discussing the importance of business policy and strategic planning in his book The Practice of Management says we cannot be content with plans for a future that we can foresee. We must prepare for all possible and a good many impossible contingencies. We must have a workable solution for anything that may come up. By taking advantage of the strategic gap (which is an opportunity in the competitive environment that has not been fully exploited by competitors) organisations can manage threats and opportunities. Core competencies are a set of linked business processes that deliver superior value to the customer, when these are combined they create strategic value and can lead to competitive advantage. By using Porters five forces analysis which is a framework for organisations to analyse industry and business strategy, they can draw upon the five forces that determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of a market. Three of Porters five forces refer to competition from external sources and the other two are internal threats. This analysis is just one part of the complete Porter strategic model the others include the value chain (VC) and the generic strategies. According to Porter (2008) the job of a strategist is too understand and cope with competition; however managers define competition too narrowly as if it has occurred only among today direct competitors. Competition goes beyond profits to include competitive forces such as customers, suppliers, potential entrants and substitute products; the extended rivalry that results from all five forces defines an industrys structure and shapes the nature of competition within an industry. For example Apple are good at technology and innovation therefore they can take the opportunities that give them competitive advantage and makes them leaders compared to Samsung or Nokia. Porters says there are 5 forces that shape the competition: Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of customers powerful customers usually bargain for better services which involve cost and investment Bargaining power of suppliers may determine the cost of raw materials and other inputs effecting profitability Rivalry among competitors competition influences the pricing and other costs like advertising etc. Threats from substitutes where-ever substantial investments in RD is taking place, the threat of substitutes is large. It also affects profitability. Competitive advantage is the heart of strategy and for the strategy to succeed the organisation should have relevant competitive advantage. We can see an example of this with Toshiba who operate in electrical goods, through a flexible manufacturing system it manufactures different products / varieties of some products on the same assembly lines. At Ohme it assembles nine varieties of computers on the same line and on the adjacent line it assembles 20 varieties of lap top computers. It is able to switch from one product / variety to another instantly at low cost and makes profits on low volume runs too. This flexibility of Toshiba to respond quickly and easily to the fast changing market demand is definitely one of its competitive advantages. Whereas its competitors make profits only through long volume runs of a particular model. However, there are a lot of companies who are choosing not to invest due to the recession; however Lidl and Aldi are taking advantage of supplying cheaper products giving them competitive advantage over say Waitrose. Benefits of Strategic Planning Effective strategic planning can positively improve the performance of an organisation and give them the ability to serve more clients, access additional resources or enhance the quality of service/product. It can also offer solutions to major organisational issues or challenges and gives stakeholders of the organisation an opportunity to develop harmonic solutions to long-term issues/challenges that have been affecting the organisation. Furthermore it allows for forward thinking, allowing an organisation the opportunity to pause and revisit the mission and create long-term vision. It allows clear future direction allowing stakeholders to look to the future, plan and respond to changes. Evaluation One of the major drawbacks of formal strategic planning is the uncertain dynamic environment, things change constantly and everything becomes shorter. The recession at the present time is making everything unpredictable and this is not good for strategic planning. According to Mintzberg (1994) strategic planning should be used to devise and implement the competitiveness of each business unit. Scientific management was pioneered by Fredrick Taylor (1856-1915) and involved separating thinking from doing and thus creating a new function staffed by specialists. Planning systems were expected to produce the best strategies as well as step by step instructions on how to achieve this, but this never worked well. According to Mintzberg strategic planning is not strategic thinking, the most successful strategies are visions, not plans. When an organisation can differentiate between planning and strategic thinking they can then get back to what the strategy making process should be. Once a manger has the ability to learn from all sources around him, including personal experiences and market research and can integrate this into a vision of the direction that the business can then pursue. Mintzberg suggests that strategic planning is a misconception and rests upon three unsound arguments: that prediction is possible, thats strategists can be detached from the subjects of their strategies, and that the strategy-making process can be formalised. Strategic thinkers can apply lessons learned from Mintzberg (1994) three inherent fallacies of traditional planning: The Fallacy of Prediction is the assumption that we can actually control events through a formalised process that involves people engaged in creative or even routine work and can manage to stay on the predicted course. You need more than hard facts you need the personal touch. People are not objective, they are complex. The Fallacy of Detachment is the assumption we can separate the planning from the doing, if the system does the thinking, then strategies must be detached from the tactics. Formulation from implementation, thinkers from doers. One objective is to make sure senior managers receive relevant information without having to immense themselves in the details. One fact is innovation has never been institutionalised and systems have never been able to reproduce the synthesis created by the entrepreneur or the ordinary strategist and probably never will. The Fallacy of Formulisation suggests that systems could certainly process more information, at least hard information. However they could never internalise it, comprehend it, and put it all together. Such control is more a dream that a reality. Reality tells us that anomalies, the fickle behaviour of humans and the limitations of analysis play a huge factor in the organisational outcomes and to disregard them is risky and could lead to incomplete planning. What are the limitations of strategic planning when things are changing rapidly? The limitations of formal strategic planning can be seen if the future is uncertain and the expectations divert from the plan. There could also be internal resistance to formal strategic planning due to factors including: Information flows, decision making and power relationships could be unsettled Current operating problems may drive out long-term planning efforts There are risks and fears of failure New demands will be placed on managers and staff Conflicts with the organisation are exposed Planning is expensive in time and money Planning is difficult and hard work The completed plan limits choices and activities for the organisation in the future CONCLUSIONS The question posed seems to be is strategic planning worthwhile. The answer to this lies within the organisation and is dependent upon size. It seems that the ability to learn and implement strategies contributes to the business performance of small or medium sized companies in a dynamic industry. Leadership is important and organisations today have to deal with dynamic and uncertain environments. To ensure success organisations must be strategically aware. They must understand how changes in their competitive environment are unfolding. They should constantly be on the lookout for new opportunities to exploit their strategic abilities, build on awareness and understanding of current strategies and successes. Organisations must be able to respond quickly in response to opportunities and threats. Organisations must compete effectively and out-perform their rivals in a dynamic environment; they must find suitable ways for creating and adding value for their customers. Overall they must be flexible. Organisations could think about changing their strategy to an emergent strategy which would allow them to adapt to new ideas and according to change. Emergent strategy implies that an organisation is learning what works in practice. An example of this is Groupon who provide daily deals in large cities and in return Groupon get a percentage of the deal usually 50% from the company providing the deal. The company is on track to make $500M in revenue this year and has raised its last round at a $1.35B valuation. Groupon is an example of an emergent strategy which has transformed several times. Organisations could think about downsizing production before closure as companies are killed due to an uncertain dynamic environment. In an article labelled The Real Value of Strategic Planning one manager said our planning process is like a primitive tribal ritual there is a lot of dancing, waving of feathers and beating of drums. No one is exactly sure why we do it, but there is an almost mystical hope that something good will come out of it. Another said, Its like the old Communist system: We pretend to make strategy and they pretend to follow it. Henry Mintzberg has gone so far as to label the phrase strategic planning an oxymoron. He notes that real strategy is made informally in hallway conversations, in working groups, and in quiet moments of reflection on long plane flights and rarely in the panelled conference rooms where formal planning meetings are held.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

America Must Awake from the Nightmare of the Past to the Light of a New

America Must Awake from the Nightmare of the Past to the Light of a New Day Nostalgia is America's fatal disease. We love to "go back," to talk of the good old days, to wish we could return to an era forever gone. This rhetoric that warms our hearts, though, is, ironically, the impetus for our national self-destruction. Nostalgia valorizes a past that never was, casts a dark shadow of distortion across the present, and prevents us from projecting a viable, sincere vision of a better future. When we, as a nation, say we want to go back to a time past, that's very often what happens, for such talk sends us into a regressive downward spiral that prevents critical social progress in America. The American political scene is shot through with the rhetoric of nostalgia. A growing movement in the United States, led by conservative and neoconservative politicians, scholars and spokespeople, heralds a return to an America they believe has died in the tumult of recent social change. This America, they say, was one where we all worked hard and took care of our own. It was a harmonious place where everyone, from presidents to janitors, shared common values on community, family, government, and life. We need the American Dream back, the rhetoric goes. Way back when, with some elbow grease and a little ingenuity, everyone could have a house in the suburbs and a new white dress for their daughter on Easter Sunday. Enough of this social chaos, where everyone complains about everything, and they're all looking for a free handout from the government. We need to go back to when things were right_to when fair was fair, everyone believed in the family, and people had their heads on straight. Sounds nice, doesn't it?! ... ...edom_beyond that which any peoples have ever before experienced. This chaos is difficult and always challenging, and leaves us with nothing to hold onto. The answer to these challenges, though, is not to turn in this chaos for a new white dress and a home in the suburbs. Rather, we must create a new color of virtue, find a new place of hope. We need not out of fear go back to our past, as American nostalgia tells us to. We must shed our fears and strive for a new order, one forged in chaos and grounded in freedom. New cultural and political norms, on structures from family to government, are waiting to be born, and it is our job to create and nurture them. It is time to lay our fear of the unknown aside and jump headlong into the darkness of the future. Only then can we hope to someday awake from the nightmare of the past to the light of a new day.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

ANOREXIA :: essays research papers

Anorexia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you ever seen people constantly playing with their food? One might think they have a stomach problem or are not interested in food. Actually, they might be hiding the symptoms of a disease which affects millions of Americans. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders says that there is an estimated 7 million females and 1 million males who suffer with this disorder. This disease is known as anorexia. There are many factors that influence people to become anorexic. When they are diagnosed with anorexia they have to face many consequences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anorexia is the most common and well known eating disorder (Harris 2). It is a deliberate self starvation disorder. Even if you do eat anything, it will only be in tiny portions (Sandra Arbetter 8). They fear becoming fat (Goleman 11). This disease is mainly found in teens(Taibbi 29). There is not a single distinct reason why people become anorexic but doctors are aware of causes that influence them (duke edu. 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A major cause of anorexia is having a weight disturbance also known as a distorted body image. Anorexics view their bodies differently than others. They never see themselves too thin, and feel fat and over estimate their weight (Arbetter 7,8). For most girls, the ideal body image is to be thinner and for boys to be built and muscular (Arbetter 11). Another cause of anorexia is a persons desire for entire control of their body, they want independence and expertise (NY at Buffalo 2). They feel a pressure from not meeting other peoples expectations which in turn leads them to become perfectionists. If they are less than perfect they feel like failures (NY at Buffalo 2, duke edu. 1). Their self esteem is low and they think only looks count. They believe that their body is trouble. Food becomes an instrument to show anger and rebellion against the family (Arbetter 8-10). A change in relationship, death, divorce or romantic breakup or a new job, home, and school can also cause anorexia. These situations cannot be controlled by them. Young people feel they can only control their bodies so they starve themselves (duke edu. 1). Preteens or teens may feel insecure wit h their new appearance as they develop physically and begin having feelings of sexuality. Being uncomfortable with their body, they feel that if they starve themselves they will revert back to their old body (NY at Buffalo 2 & Arbetter 8).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Literature Review Regarding Smoking Health And Social Care Essay

Harmonizing to Mackay and Eriksen ( 2002 ) , planetary ingestion of coffin nails has been lifting steadily since manufactured coffin nails were introduced at the beginning of the twentieth century. While ingestion is levelling off and even diminishing in some states, worldwide more people are smoking, and tobacco users are smoking more coffin nails. The Numberss of tobacco users will increase chiefly due to enlargement of the universe ‘s population. By 2030 there will be at least another 2 billion people in the universe. Even if prevalence rates fall, the absolute figure of tobacco users will increase. The expected go oning lessening in male smoke prevalence will be offset by the addition in female smoke rates, particularly in developing states. Harmonizing to Goddard ( 2008 ) , the prevalence of coffin nail smoke in Great Britain fell well in the 1970s and the early 1980s, from 45 % in 1974 to 35 % in 1982. The rate of diminution so slowed, with prevalence falling by merely about one per centum point every two old ages until 1994, after which it levelled out at approximately 27 % before restarting a slow diminution in the 2000s. The overall diminution in smoking prevalence since the mid 1970s has been due to a autumn in the proportions of both light tobacco users ( defined as fewer than 20 coffin nails per twenty-four hours ) and heavy tobacco users ( 20 coffin nails or more per twenty-four hours ) . The proportion of all grownups smoking on mean 20 or more coffin nails a twenty-four hours has fallen among work forces from 26 % in 1974 to 8 % in 2006 and from 13 % to 5 % of adult females over the same period. Meanwhile, smoking tendencies in Mexico shows a decrease during the last decennary of the twentieth century in smoke exposure, day-to-day smoking prevalence and smoke strength. This decrease has either been more intense or occurred entirely in work forces, depending on the analyzed index. Additionally, the most important decrease both in the prevalence of day-to-day active tobacco users and in smoking strength occurred in older age groups in both genders. Womans, for their portion, during the latter portion of the analyzed period present a reversal in the downward tendency in these smoke indexs, and in 2002, day-to-day female tobacco users smoked a greater sum of coffin nails than work forces. Nevertheless, work forces still present a worse smoke state of affairs than adult females in footings of both prevalence of day-to-day tobacco users and per centum of day-to-day tobacco users ( Franco-Marina, 2007 ) . Harmonizing to Shafey ( 2003 ) , the wellness load from smoking is non merely increasing, but it is besides switching to low-income and middle-income states ; whereas the prevalence of smoking continues to worsen in many Western markets, many Asiatic markets continue to turn ( as cited in Parkinson et al. , 2009 ) . This is true particularly when the ingestion of baccy has reached the proportions of a planetary epidemic. Tobacco companies are zigzaging out coffin nails at the rate of five and a half trillion a twelvemonth – about 1,000 coffin nails for every adult male, adult female, and kid on the planet. Asia, Australia and the Far East are by far the largest consumers ( 2,715 billion coffin nails ) , followed by the Americas ( 745 billion ) , Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Economies ( 631 billion ) and Western Europe ( 606 billion ) ( Mackay and Eriksen, 2002 ) . Harmonizing to National Health Morbidity Survey ( 1986 and 1996 ) , the happening of smoking between Malaysian grownups has enlarged from 39 % to 49 % ( as cited in Shahidan et al. , 2002 ) . National Health and Morbidity Survey ( 1996 ) besides states the prevalence of baccy usage is about 24.8 % : 49.2 % of work forces smoke, compared with merely 3.5 % of adult females ( as cited in Parkinson et al. , 2009 ) . Meanwhile harmonizing to statistic in PROSTAR ( 2007 ) , Malaysia had 3.6 million tobacco users in 2000 and this figure is expected to increase to 4.6 million by 2025 ( as cited in Kim et al. , 2009 ) . Although there are no precise national estimations of young person smoke in Malaysia, findings from several studies suggest youth smoke may be on the rise ( Parkinson et al. , 2009 ) . However, harmonizing to Thambypillai ( 1985 ) ; Shamsuddin & A ; Haris ( 2000 ) ; Naing et Al. ( 2004 ) and Ahmad et Al. ( 1997 ) , the tendencies in smoking among striplings have non changed mu ch. Studies conducted in assorted vicinities showed that the prevalence of smoke among male young persons were between 17-36 % and 1-5 % among females in the same group ( as cited in Lim et al. , 2006 ) . Surprisingly, about one billion work forces in the universe smoke – approximately 35 % of work forces in developed states and 50 % of work forces in developing states. Tendencies in both developed and developing states show that male smoke rates have now peaked and, easy but certainly, are worsening. However, this is an highly slow tendency over decennaries, and in the interim work forces are deceasing in their 1000000s from baccy. In general, the educated adult male is giving up the wont foremost, so that smoke is going a wont of poorer, less educated males ( Mackay and Eriksen, 2002 ) .2.1 Reasons for SmokingHarmonizing to Baker et Al. ( 2002 ) , most tobacco users offer similar grounds for their smoke. Typically, they report that smoke is an habit-forming wont that they enjoy and that relieves stress. Most tobacco users besides see it as loosen uping and utilize it as a header mechanism. The power of nicotine to both provide good feelings and extenuate bad feelings is richl y demonstrated. This is consistent with the research done by KaAYikci et Al. ( 2008 ) whereby people smoke to loosen up or alleviate their emphasis and to hold pleasance. Furthermore, British American Tobacco Malaysia ( 2010 ) states that the pharmacological consequence of nicotine – a mild stimulating consequence non unlike that of caffeine, and a mild loosen uping consequence – is an of import portion of the smoke experience. Baker et Al. ( 2002 ) besides stated that light tobacco users tend to smoke more for societal grounds while heavy tobacco users are more likely to describe that they smoke because of the habit-forming nature of baccy. Meanwhile harmonizing to Jarvis ( 2004 ) , experimenting with smoking normally occurs in the early teenage old ages and is driven preponderantly by psychosocial motivations. For people who merely started smoke, a coffin nail is a symbolic manner of stating that they are no longer their female parent ‘s kid and a manner of demoing that they are mature. Childs who are attracted to this adolescent averment of sensed maturity or defiance tend to come from backgrounds that favour smoke ( for illustration, with high degrees of smoke in parents, siblings, and equals ; comparatively deprived vicinities ; schools where smoke is common ) . They besides tend non to be wining harmonizing to their ain or society ‘s footings ( for illustration, they have low ego regard, have impaired psychological well-being, are fleshy, or are hapless winners at school ) . Harmonizing to Parkinson et Al. ( 2009 ) , males were more likely than females to believe that smoking makes immature work forces and immature adult females look more attractive and that smoke is a mark of being modern. However, males and females were merely every bit likely to believe that smoking helps command organic structure weight. This finding contradicts with Western surveies by Cavallo ( 2006 ) , which typically report that female young person worry more about their weight and are more likely to describe smoking to command their weight than are males ( as cited in Parkinson et al. , 2009 ) .2.2 Review of Related StudiesThe smoke rate for university pupils is lifting bit by bit in Turkey every bit good as the universe ( KaAYikci et al. , 2008 ) . A research by Cooper et Al. ( 2004 ) said that there is an addition for the rate of smoke in Turkey in which 64 % of the addition is among the work forces and 23 % of it is adult females. Abolfutuoh et Al. ( 1998 ) states 40 % of the pupils in Education Council are heavy tobacco users and merely 23 % of the Medicine Council pupils smoke. Meanwhile, Kader and Alsadi ( 2008 ) found that most of the pupils are light tobacco users ( 50.6 % ) . They besides said that pupils in the medical school tend to smoke less than their friends in other modules. Surprisingly, a survey by Kypri and Baxter ( 2004 ) said that the smoke form is higher among Maori adult females than work forces, in which the adult females tend to smoke daily. Sharker ( 2005 ) in his survey about cognition, attitude and pattern on smoke among pupils and staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia states that 13.7 % from respondents who smoke comes from pupils while 9.9 % was comes from the staff. He besides found that Indians and Malays were among the highest per centum due to cultural groups which comprises of 12.7 % and 11.6 % severally ; meanwhile Hindus and Muslim were among the highest per centum due to spiritual group which equal to 13 % and 11.9 % severally. Harmonizing to Azlan ( 2006 ) in his survey on smoke among secondary school pupils in Kuantan, the smoke per centum was 43 % ; with 63.5 % comes from males and 17.5 % comes female. This survey is rather similar to the survey done by Rapeah et Al. ( 2008 ) whereby about half of the respondents in her survey on factors act uponing smoke behaviors among male striplings in Kuantan were tobacco users ( 45.8 % ) and Malays were lend up to 53.1 % . A cross-sectional survey of 16-year old secondary school pupils in Kota Tinggi territory reported that 29.7 % from the respondents were found to be smoking and the highest per centum of male tobacco users comes from FELDA ( Federal Land Development Authority ) countries which comprises of more than 50 % ( Lim et al. , 2006 ) . Meanwhile, the survey done by Shahidan et Al. ( 2002 ) on smoking wonts among secondary school pupils in Kedah reported that the mean age for smoke and non-smoking groups were 16 old ages old the research has reveal that the age of onset smoke among respondents began every bit early as 13 old ages old. Harmonizing to KaAYikci et Al. ( 2008 ) , 40.2 % of the concluding class pupils at the AtatA ©rk University smoked. 56.5 % from that said that they smoke to let go of tense while 24.6 % fume for pleasance. Abolfutuoh et Al. ( 1998 ) states that wonder was the chief ground for induction of smoke among pupils in medical pupils at the University College of Medicine and pupils of the College of Education. There are findings found in a research by Kader and Alsadi ( 2008 ) that say the pupils smoke because it helps them to concentrate every bit good as quiet them down. They besides said that pupils smoke because they besides want to get by with emphasis and societal anxiousnesss. Kypri and Baxter ( 2004 ) besides stated that pupils smoke because it helps them to loosen up. Harmonizing to Shahidan et Al. ( 2002 ) , â€Å" matured, attractive and posh † are among the grounds pupils start smoking with per centum of 70.0 % , 62.2 % and 54.0 % severally. Meanwhile, Sharker ( 2005 ) found that the chief ground for the oncoming of smoke among pupils and staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia was â€Å" merely for merriment † and it was comprises of 54.2 % . In add-on, Azlan ( 2006 ) revealed that the chief ground for pupils to smoke is because of the influences of friends. Rapeah et Al. ( 2008 ) states that the most common ground given by the respondents for get downing smoke was â€Å" wanted to seek † ( 68.9 % ) followed by â€Å" equals influence † ( 56.1 % ) . However, about 70 % of the tobacco users did non hold that they smoked because they wanted to be voguish. There are besides findings found in a research by Khairani et Al. ( 2007 ) that say the most frequent grounds for originating smoke were wonder ( 69.3 % ) and peer force per unit area ( 51 % ) while emphasis ( 70 % ) was reported as the commonest ground for go oning smoke followed by dependence ( 49 % ) . KaAYikci et Al. ( 2008 ) stated that one of the factors that encourage the pupils to smoke is the parents of the pupils. Most of the pupils who smoke have male parents and brothers who smoke every bit good. Friends are besides one of the factors that lead to smoking wont among the pupils. These findings are rather similar with the survey by Shahidan et Al. ( 2002 ) which conducted in Kedah. Their research stated that influence of equals and household members who smoke played an of import function in act uponing pupils to smoke. Student whose household members are tobacco users are more than twice at higher hazard of smoking compared to those whose household members are non tobacco users meanwhile pupil whose equals smoke are about six times higher of smoke compared to those whose equals are non tobacco users. Lapp goes to the survey by Khairani et Al. ( 2007 ) , which found that there was a important association between adolescent smoke and smoke among household members. Sharker ( 2005 ) reported that the prevalence of smoke was associated with age, economic position, race, spiritual, household and equal groups smoking wonts. These findings are consistent with the survey done by Azlan ( 2006 ) on the prevalence of smoke among secondary school pupils and its associated factors in the territory of Kuantan. Meanwhile, harmonizing to Lim et Al. ( 2006 ) , holding many close friends who smoke, sibling who fumes and low academic accomplishment were positively associated with smoke. There are besides findings found that the type of category watercourse, equals ‘ smoke, and attitude towards smoking were significantly associated with the respondents smoking position ( Rapeah et al. , 2008 ) . Meanwhile wonder, desire to demo off and peer force per unit area are the chief factors that lead to the smoke wont of the pupils ( Abolfutuoh et al. , 1998 ) .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Analysis Of US International Trade Commission Decisions In Antidumping, Countervailing Duty And Safeguard Cases Essay

                 International trade commission Introduction                        International trade commission (ITC) is definite by US Legal as an independent quasi-judicial federal agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade. The agency mainly focuses on the investigation that surrounds the effects of dumped and subsidized imports on the domestic market and industries and conducts some global investigation with the aim of safeguarding. ITC also deals with the cases that deal with the imports violation of property rights (Knes). Thus, the system mainly deals with providing the rules that govern the international trade. History                     The issue of international trade and tariffs had a great impact on the United States economy in the late 19th century. This was because the country was experiencing unprecedented industrialization and expansive trade with partners beyond the borders. Through an act of 15th May, 1882 President Chester A. Arthur appointed a tariff commission under the Treasury to investigate the country’s economic activities and make recommendations on the tariff regulation. Another commission was appointed in 5th August 1909 pursuant to Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act, with the mandate collecting useful information that would help the government administer tariff laws. However, the commission was abolished in the mid-1912. A permanent solution was required on the issue of tariffs and international trade. The process to establish a tariff commission that would easily address international trade issues in the long term was started initiated in 1914, with the realization came in 1916 (                     The agency was formed by the US government, through the US congress, as an independent agency in the year 1916 and was named the Tariff Commission ( The name of the agency was later changed to the United States international trade commission. The change was effected through section 171 of the Trade Act of 1974. The agency has three major elements in its mission that include: to administer US trade remedy laws within its mandate in a fair and an objective manner ( The second element is to provide the president, and the congress with independent analysis, information, and support on matters of tariffs, international trade, and US competitiveness. Finally, the last element of the mission n relates to the maintenance of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS).                   In this light, to achieve it mandates, the commission is run by six commissioners who are tasked with implementing the various regulations and duties mandated to the commission. The six commissioners are appointed by the president through the advice and the approval of the senate. The term of the commissioners is mainly a nine years term although the term might be shorter if a commissioner is appointed to refill an unexpired term ( Mandate                     The commission was set to fulfill certain mandates that were very crucial to the American economy. Mainly, the commission has five major operations which are aimed at serving the commissions clients who are mainly external clients ( The operations are import injury investigations, intellectual property-based import investigations, industry and economic analysis, tariff and trade information services and trade policy support.   Import injury                   This operation mainly regards the investigations that are undertaken to assess the antidumping and countervailing duty or subsidy. This operation is done in collaboration with the United States department of commerce. Although the investigations are done in collaboration, both institutions address different goals in these investigations ( The department of commerce main focus is on establishing whether the occurrence of the dumping and subsidizing as well as the level of dumping and subsidizing amount. On the other hand, the commission aims at establishing whether the US economy and industries are threatened by the said dumping and subsidizing (‘US Federal Trade Commission Recommends Privacy Be Put At Heart Of Facial Recognition Tech’).                        Investigation on the import injury is prompted by the petitions that are filed by the US industries, who believe that the imports are sold in the US market at a price that is lower than the fair value. Prices lower than the fair value indicates dumping. Additionally, the industries petition against the imports that are advantaged in the sense that they enjoy counter available subsidies that are provided through the foreign government programs ( The main reason for petitioning is because these acts make the marketing space unfair; thus the industries aim at leveling the playing field.                     If the decisions are arrived at by the both agencies are affirmative of the petitions laid to them by the industries petitioners, the commerce department issues an order to restrict this imports. The omission is also responsible for conducting investigations that relate to the global safeguards and market disruptions that may cause harm to the American industries ( In effect, the commission makes recommendations to the president; these recommendations are aimed at offering remedy to the injury caused and facilitate industry adjustment to competition from outside products.   Intellectual Property Based Import Investigations                   The commission is highly involved in petitions regarding intellectual property rights. These petitions rate to patent and trademark infringements that are caused by imported goods. The investigation if successful results to a remedy that informs the customs prevent infringing imports from entering the boundaries ( Furthermore, the commission may issue orders that bar those who are engaged in unfair acts from entering the country. According to a newspaper article written by Soder indicate that, â€Å"the commission has agreed to investigate whether 17 retailers — including big-name brands such as the Gap, American Eagle and Abercrombie & Fitch — are importing jeans made in a way that violates patents owned by RevoLaze LLC of Westlake.†   Industry and Economic Analysis                      The commission is also mandated with industrial and economic analysis task. This analysis is done by two offices that are: the Office of Industries and the Office of Economics ( The commission offers this two offices technical support on economic matters (Pandit, Pg. 15). A good example is when the commission was requested by the US Senate Committee on Finance to investigate the effects of the digital trade in the US and the world economy in general (USITC, Pg. 1).                           The commission put the finding in three level tiers, where the findings were grouped as the firm level finding, industry level findings and economy level findings. The firm-level research was conducted on ten digital intensive industries (USITC, Pg. 32). The firms were questioned on the reason and the benefits they derived from using digital technology. The results of individual firms culminated to the results of the various industries. The economy wide findings summed the benefits of all the companies and industries and summarized them to general benefits (USITC, Pg. 33). This report gives a clear indication of the importance of the commission in providing the technical support to the various arms of government. Tariff and Trade Information Services                      The commission is also tasked with investigations that regarding tariffs. The United States economies practices some harmonized tariffs mechanism ( Therefore, the commission makes recommendations regarding the modifications of the harmonized tariffs schedules so that to ensure the tariffs are in line with the World Custom Organization recommendations (Greenbaum et al., Pg. 160). A blog posted by Ngoriel indicates the commission conducted research to determine the hurdles that the US SMEs are facing when trading with the EU. The research findings indicate that the SMEs are facing various barriers that are unduly heavy on them when compared to the large companies. The commission made suggestion that the SMEs should be included in the trade negotiations between the US and the EU. Ngoriel indicated that, â€Å"among the challenges that were affecting the SMEs included high tariffs and inconsistent EU rules and testing mandates non-science-ba sed regulations, and a lack of harmonization between U.S. and EU standards.† Trade Policy Support                     The trade policy makers, both in the executive and the legislative branch of the government, source for the technical support from the commission ( Additionally, the commission offers the government information on the various international trade issues through their various researches, briefings and meetings, and testimonies at the congressional hearings. Additionally, under this operation the commission is tasked with the work of making some final decisions on behalf the office of the president as well as drafting the President’s decrees and other documents ( Benefits of the Commission to the US Economy                     The commission offers significant benefits to the United States economy. One, the commission offers noteworthy advantages to the country’s industries, especially when they are facing unfair competition from Imports. According the article published by V. James Adduci II and Tom M. Schaumberg in The American Corporate Counsel Magazine, the intellectual property owners have discovered the commission offers them an efficient and cost effective mechanism for protecting their rights (Caddel).                         In this regard, several jurisdictions around the globe have amended their laws and regulations in order to make them be congruent with the Act through which the Commission was founded. The Uruguay Round Agreements Act (â€Å"URAA†) amended its section 337 to make compliant with US international obligations (V. James Adduci II and Tom M. Schaumberg).                        In addition, the commission is helpful in establishing fair trading environment for the firms in the United States. According to Ngoriel, the commission improved the SMEs voice on the unfair treatment in their trading with the European Union. The commission affirmed the SMEs position on the high tariffs which the SMEs have to meet in their international trade operations ( The commission emphasized on the need to incorporate the SMEs in any international trade negotiations with the United States trading partners.               Furthermore, the commission is essential in ensuring that the government is furnished with proper international trade information. This is done through research that is conducted by the commission and ultimately providing precise and accurate information that would guide the government to make proper decisions ( A good example is the research that the commission conducted on behalf of the Senate (Bilmes). The research enabled the commission to make conclusive arguments regarding the impact of digital technology on the US firms, industries, and the economy as well as the world at large. Challenges Faced by the Commission                      The most significant challenge or difficult the difference of the trade laws among the various US trading partners. Some trade partners are very crucial to the running and success of the United States economy ( Therefore, difficulty arises when the commission tries to harmonize the trading laws that govern the partners and the United States. This is seen in Caddel (Pg. 9) research paper, where the Caddel states that, â€Å"The Customs Court Act of 1980 created a special U.S. Court of International Trade with exclusive jurisdiction over appeals from the ITA and ITC. This act specifically provides standing for foreign companies and other domestic industries to challenge decisions and even allows the Court to hold hearings in foreign countries to ensure that foreign companies have the opportunity to respond. The result is a court that commonly rules against decisions of the ITA and ITC and maintains a rough balance between protectionism and free trade.†                     Additionally, although the commission is an independent institution, it faces some restriction in its operations. One the commission acts as an arbitration court for various issues it handles. After the commission makes a determination, the ruling is subjected to additional reviews by the US Court of Appeals (McDermott Will & Emery, Pg. 7). Moreover, all the determinations made by the commission are subjected to the presidential review. Although the presidential reviews are limited in scope by the public policy concerns, there have been a handful of instances when the commission recommendations and determinations have been rejected or overturned by the president (McDermott Will & Emery, Pg. 7). Also, the commission faces some challenges through political interference. Caddel (Pg 1) states that, â€Å"Research on the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), an independent agency responsible for adjudicating AD/CVD claims, finds mixed evidence of po litical influence in these cases.† This demonstrates the political influence on the commission activities; the political influence is attributed to the congressional dominance. The congress influence is seen through its oversight powers over the commission (Caddel, 5). Recommendation to the Challenges                   The commission is very crucial to the running of the countries affairs in the international arena. Therefore, the government should work tirelessly to improve the trade relationship with its partners which will easily ease the operations the commission operation (Knes, Baldwin and Steagall). Due to the free trade agreements with partners like Canada and Mexico, the commission easily deals with these economies when dealing with trade harmonization operations (Knes). Moreover, the commission should be given a strong judicial framework that will earn the confidence of many individual, companies and economies. This judicial strength will enable the commission ruling to be taken as final, thus minimizing the appeals of the commission rulings. In effect, the consequential results will be an increase confidence in the commission. Conclusion                        The United States International Trade Commission is an important organ in the US economy and the relations with the global players. The commission has gone through significant metamorphosis that started in the late 19th century. The commission has increasingly been helpful in solving various issues that are face the United States industries. The commission has been in the forefront of protecting the economy’s players from unfair trade practices. References Adduci II, V. James Adduci II, and Tom M. Schaumberg. ‘Section 337 Offers Significant Advantages When Facing Unfair Competition From Imports | Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg LLP’. N.p., 2013. Web. 8 Dec. 2014. Baldwin, Robert E, and Jeffrey W Steagall. Analysis Of US International Trade Commission Decisions In Antidumping, Countervailing Duty And Safeguard Cases. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1994. Print. Bilmes, Jack. ‘Generally Speaking: Formulating An Argument In The US Federal Trade Commission’. Text & Talk – An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse Communication Studies 28.2 (2008): 193-217. Web. Caddel, Jeremy. ‘Domestic Competition Over Trade Barriers In The US International Trade Commission’. International Studies Quarterly 58.2 (2013): 260-268. Web. Greenbaum, Noam et al. ‘Paleohydrology Of Extraordinary Floods Along The Swakop River At The Margin Of The Namib Desert And Their Paleoclimate Implications’. Quaternary Science Reviews 103 (2014): 153-169. Web. Knes, Michael. ‘U.S. International Trade Commission – Duties, Benefits’. N.p., 2014. Web. 8 Dec. 2014. Ngoriel,. ‘U.S. International Trade Commission Releases Report On How T-TIP Will Benefit Small Businesses’. N.p., 2014. Web. 8 Dec. 2014. Pandit, Ram. ‘US Trade Barriers And Import Price Of Canadian Softwood Lumber’. The International Trade Journal 23.4 (2009): 399-421. Web. Soder, Chuck. ‘U.S. International Trade Commission To Investigate If Retailers Are Importing Jeans Violating Revolaze Patents’. Crain’s Clevleand Business 2014. Web. 9 Dec. 2014. ‘US Federal Trade Commission Recommends Privacy Be Put At Heart Of Facial Recognition Tech’. Biometric Technology Today 2012.10 (2012): 1-2. Web. USITC,. Digital Trade In The U.S. And Global Economies, Part 2. 1st ed. United States International Trade Commission, 2014. Web. 8 Dec. 2014.,. ‘About The USITC | USITC’. N.p., 2014. Web. 8 Dec. 2014.,. ‘E-Discovery Limits — USITC Considers Proposal To Streamline Section 337Investigations’. N.p., 2014. Web. 8 Dec. 2014. Source document

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Understanding customers- analysing customers using mosaic Essay

Understanding customers- analysing customers using mosaic - Essay Example Understanding customers- analysing customers using mosaic It helps to increase customer loyalty and thereby thwarts customers from switching to the products offered by other companies. Mosaic UK is a useful tool utilised by many companies to develop their segmentation strategy based on the consumer classifications provided in the Mosaic profile system. First of all a detailed analysis of the Mosaic profile system developed by Experian plc is presented in this study. Next this study would include analysis of information reports prepared by Experian related to three retailers operating their business operations in United Kingdom. The customer profiling related to each of the three retailers would be compared to have an idea about its impact on the different marketing strategies followed by the organisations. Segmentation of customers is an important marketing strategy followed by the business organisations and its importance has also been included in this study. Next this report takes help of a case study for suggesting some consumer marketi ng ideas for some fashion retailers who might be interested to target a specific Mosaic Group. Experian plc has developed a system which helps in classification of the households in UK and has been named as Mosaic UK. It is a type of geo-demographic segmentation system which is available commercially. Consumer classification reports prepared through Mosaic UK are helpful in understanding the Behaviour, demographics and lifestyles followed by all the households and individuals present in UK. Understanding the consumer behaviour patterns in different parts of UK is critical to the success of any organisation because it helps the companies to develop products that best satisfy the particular needs and requirements of the customers. Mosaic UK is helpful to the organisations in three ways: The companies are able to increase the values of its customers through in-depth understanding of the behavioural patterns of their customers in UK The value of a particular location in which a company targets to sell its products is also increased through the development of proper marketing mix u sing information from Mosaic UK Mosaic UK is also helpful in assessing the risks associated with investing in a particular location in UK Thus Mosaic UK developed by Experian is thus an important tool to segment and classify consumers in UK based on various characterising features. The latest version of Mosaic UK that is available in the market now helps in classification of consumers present in UK into 67 different types which are spread over 15 distinct groups of people (Experian Mosaic, 2010). A brief overview of each of the 15 groups of people identified through Mosaic UK is given below: Group A: Alpha Territory – This type of group comprises of the most influential and wealthy individuals staying in UK. Group B: Professional Rewards – The managerial and executive classes of people are categorised in this group. Group C: Rural Solitude – This type of group includes people living in isolated cottages and small villages in UK. Group D: Small Town Diversity â⠂¬â€œ This type of group are classified as people living in small and medium sized towns in UK. Group E: Active Retirement – This group of people are aged over 65 years and are spending their

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Dispositions Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dispositions Paper - Essay Example Dispositions essential for an early childhood educator An early childhood educator should delight in the development of children and have a curiosity about the same. This will allow them to have a strong liking for children and be able to approach and interact with them in and out of class every time and not only when direction or correction is needed (Kidd et al 316). According to Danielson et al (235), playing forms an essential part in the life of a child and their proper development. Therefore, an early childhood educator should value children’s play. This disposition will motivate them to arrange the environment, provide opportunity and materials for play, and be part of it either by watch closely or active participation. They will not find themselves interrupting play and replacing it with teacher-directed activities. The world is dynamic and some of these changes bring challenges in the way we handle and deal with situations we are used to. The early childhood education al centers are not exempted from these challenges and changes for example changes in children’s behavior due changing social-economic and technological situations in the society. An early childhood educator should therefore expect and welcome continuous challenges and change. ... gence of new circumstances and challenges in the society including children, an early childhood educator should have the will and be ready to take risks and make mistakes. This will allow them to move and perform in new upcoming areas within the early childhood education. It will also enable them to handle situations or issues in the early childhood education set up they have never handled before. Whenever mistakes arise, they take them as important learning opportunities instead of sources of self-condemnation and discouragement. Lack of this disposition leads to rigidity and less interest in professional development (Danielson et al 235). Collaboration is necessary for the attainment of results that individual people cannot achieve to the best or those that can be achieved better if approached or done as a group. This requires that an early childhood educator should seek collaboration and peer support. Peer support is very important especially in tackling challenges that relate dir ectly to the education of young children. An educator with such a disposition will use all opportunities to brainstorm and problem-solve with colleagues while requesting or offering help where needed (Thornton 25). Early childhood educators have a significant role in the life of young children to shape, care and protect them due to the much time children spend in school during the day. This requires that early childhood educators should actively advocate for children and teaching practices that are appropriate for them. This disposition will drive them to learn all rights and needs of children in order to ensure that they are provided for. These will include the educational needs required by children for them attain to their best education wise for example the best instructional methods and